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Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability

Department of Physics
Read more at: Spin Control in Organic Semiconductors

Spin Control in Organic Semiconductors

Dr Akshay Rao (Optoelectronics)

Read more at: Building a quantum capacitance microscope for probing coherence in molecular qubits

Building a quantum capacitance microscope for probing coherence in molecular qubits

Prof Charles Smith and Dr Malcolm Connolly (Semiconductor Physics)

Read more at: New colloidal materials for battery and photonic applications

New colloidal materials for battery and photonic applications

Dr Erika Eiser (Biological and Soft Systems) and Prof Clare Grey (Department of Chemistry)

Read more at: Revealing Quantum Magnetism at Oxide Interfaces via Diamond-Based nano-MRI

Revealing Quantum Magnetism at Oxide Interfaces via Diamond-Based nano-MRI

Dr Mete Atatüre (Atomic, Mesoscopic and Optical Physics) and Dr Jason Robinson (Department of Materials Science & Metallurgy)

Read more at: Solar energy harvesting and light scattering on polydomain nematic elastomers

Solar energy harvesting and light scattering on polydomain nematic elastomers

Prof Mark Warner (Theory of Condensed Matter)

Latest news

Manipulation of Quantum Entangled Triplet Pairs

7 January 2021

Researchers have uncovered a new technique to create and manipulate pairs of particle-like excitations in organic semiconductors that carry non-classical spin information across space, much like the entangled photon pairs in the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Roden “paradox”.

Machine learning algorithm helps in the search for new drugs

20 March 2019

Researchers have designed a machine learning algorithm for drug discovery which has been shown to be twice as efficient as the industry standard.