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Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability

Department of Physics


Bartomeu received his undergraduate MSci Physics Degree from Imperial College London in 2011, and his PhD Degree in Physics from the University of Cambridge in 2015. He held a Henslow Research Fellowship at Robinson College between 2014-19, and spent 2015-2017 at Rutgers University on a postdoctoral fellowship. In 2018, he established an independent research group at the University of Cambridge as a Winton Advanced Research Fellow, and in 2020 he was appointed as the Gianna Angelopoulos Lecturer in Computational Materials Science in the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge.


Bartomeu develops quantum mechanical methods to theoretically study material properties. Areas of current interest include the optoelectronic properties of solar cells and transparent conductors, topological materials, superconducting materials, and the physics of matter under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature.


Key publications: 
  1. Long-range ballistic propagation of carriers in methylammonium lead iodide perovskite thin films. J. Sung, C. Schnedermann, L. Ni, A. Sadhanala, R.Y.S. Chen, C. Cho, L. Priest, J.M. Lim, H.-K. Kim, B. Monserrat, P. Kukura, and A. Rao, Nature Physics (2019)
  2. Strong coupling superconductivity in incommensurate host-guest structure of high-pressure bismuthP. Brown, K. Semeniuk, D. Wang, B. Monserrat, C.J. Pickard, F.M. Grosche, Science Advances 4, eaao4793 (2018)
  3. Antiferroelectric topological insulators in orthorhombic AMgBi compounds (A=Li, Na, K). B. Monserrat, J.W. Bennett, K.M. Rabe, D. Vanderbilt, Physical Review Letters 119, 036802 (2017)
  4. Temperature dependence of the energy levels of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite from first principles. W.A. Saidi, S. Ponce, and B. Monserrat, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7, 5247 (2016)
  5. Temperature effects in the band structure of topological insulators. B. Monserrat and D. Vanderbilt, Physical Review Letters 117, 226801 (2016)
Gianna Angelopoulos Lecturer in Computational Materials Science
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge
Dr Bartomeu  Monserrat

